Family Camp

Enjoy a week at camp with your entire family! 

Family Camp 6

Excellent meals, scheduled camp activities, evening Bible Talk Time. 

Stay for Independence Day and enjoy special activities and the “Battle of the Georges”.

Each evening a challenge from God’s word along with time for praise and worship will nurture spiritual encouragement and growth.

Family Camp
Possible recreational options on grounds would be:

  • Target sports, Carpetball, Horseback Riding,
  • Horseshoes, Basketball, Hayrack rides,
  • Swimming, Softball, Hiking,
  • Disc Golf, Volleyball, Fishing,
  • Canoeing,  Archery, Kayaking

Other possibilities in the area:

  • Golf, Shopping, Four wheeling, Water Skiing
  • Museums, Water Park, Sailing, Biking

Family Camp 3

Lodging options at camp consist of the following:

  1. Appanoose Village – RV Park with full hookups (water, electric sewer). Electric only and non electric space is also available.
    This area has a modern shower house, a central fire ring and an outdoor group kitchen.
  2. Frontier Village – Conestoga styled covered wagon sleepers accommodate up to eight persons each. They are comfortably equipped with electricity, an air conditioner and lighting.
  3. Bunkhouses – Our bunk houses accommodate eight to ten persons. Each is heated, air conditioned and has an indoor bathroom.

Excellent meals are served in the camp dining hall.  Mmmmm
Questions?  Call 641-649-2491.